Shoulder complaints including rotator cuff disorders

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The shoulder is a ball and socket joint surrounded by muscles that control the movement. These muscles are called the rotator cuff because they control the rotation and movement. Given the huge range of movement of shoulder, even small injuries to the rotator cuff can significantly impact that range and, as a result your function.

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What is happening?

Shoulder dysfunction and rotator cuff disorders affect the range of movement of the shoulder making overhead movements difficult as well as movements like putting a coat on. Changes in shoulder function can affect the shoulder blade, mid-back and neck. You may notice reduced strength in the arm when you come to pick things up.

Key aggravating factors

  • Carrying bags on one shoulder or swinging a heavy rucksack onto one shoulder can both cause and aggravate shoulder complaints.
  • Sitting leaning onto one arm will cause the muscles to stiffen up further reducing mobility.
  • Sleeping with your arms at awkward angles.
  • Sudden slips and trips while holding things can injure the rotator cuff.

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Get in touch

To arrange an appointment, please call and speak to our experienced reception staff who will be able to help.

020 8460 5800


Chiropractic quick tips

Minimise the weight of your bag.

Postural setting when training your shoulders- they should be down and back otherwise you are reinforcing the poor posture and risking injury- form is everything!

Consciously letting your shoulders relax when you are stressed.


Chiropractic can help!

We will establish which muscles and tendons are not functioning properly and design a treatment program that improves the function and range of the shoulder while getting you back to your normal activities. We will aim to achieve balance between the different muscles to ensure that each muscle is appropriately controlling the range of movement; we will then work with you to strengthen the muscles and joint to help prevent you repeating the injury. We also check the neck, mid-back, shoulder blades, elbow and wrist as well as the other shoulder, to see whether you have been overworking these areas while the shoulder hasn’t been functioning properly.